You can launch your Vidamaze business,
land your first client, and collect your first paycheck starting this week!

Our proven strategies will help you succeed without creating your own product or needing special skills. And the best part?
It’s Chris “Super Money” Jenkins And Prady "Big Buck Clients Guy" Here!

You may already know that we’re both 7 figure marketers with decades of skin in the game.
We’re going to show you how you can use VidAmaze to make your first substantial income per month in your spare time…
… and then how to quickly scale it to six figures per year!
You’re going to see exactly what we’re doing to make boatloads of cash without needing cto create your own products from scratch and without special skills or experience!

Top Secret Masterclass Training
Join Us For A
Where We’ll Show You
Exactly How To Make Your First Substantial Income With VidAmaze
Even If You’re Starting From ZERO Or You’ve Failed Heaps Of Times Before
You’ll See Exactly How
We Make Thousands Of Dollars Per Month

And How You Can Use VidAmaze To Do The Same!
We’ll Show You The 4 Golden Income Streams
That Are Making Us Thousands Per Month And Just Won’t Die

Product Reviews

List Building


Affiliate Deals
Our Fast Start Strategy To
Collect FAT Paychecks From Clients In Just 48hrs From Now….
A sneaky way to use our Client Finder tool to find RICH clients who are most desperate for your VidAmaze videos right now (and have the money to pay you handsomely!)

Don’t have the Client Finder tool yet? Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to find clients in under 12 minutes using just two browser tabs and a free account that gives you access to a hidden world of clients just waiting to hear from you!
Our complete 1-2-3 system that allows you to mass-mail thousands of hungry clients legally, ethically and without getting blacklisted or spam complaints…

How to send emails that generate a flood of excited replies from people who want to pay for your VidAmaze videos right now!
The easy way to “warm up” clients you’ve never met and who live on the opposite side of the world… and WIN THE SALE… even if you’re a massive introvert and hate being on camera/zoom calls.

We’ll Show You:
We’ll Walk You Through Every Step In Detail,
Just Copy What We Do And Get Ready For Payday!

An unusual but UNMISSABLE system that generates thousands of dollars in extra RECURRING MONTHLY INCOME from your VidAmaze software and video services (and only requires 30 mins per day to operate!)

The easiest and fastest way to win HIGH PAYING clients through LinkedIn using our proven and irresistible “ice breaker” DMs that work like gangbusters!
Training Sessions…
Plus 2 Special Bonus
How To Get Clients To Pay You Over And Over Every Month And Make Yourself “Unfireable!”

We’ll show you 5 simple and sneaky tactics that make it almost impossible for clients to fire you or ghost you ever again… and keep paying you over and over for simple videos that take seconds to produce with VidAmaze!
How To Scale Your Video Business To $150,000 Per Year

We’ll show you exactly what we did to scale oir businesses to record breaking figures and how you can pull a few simple levers to go from a sweet side hustle that covers the rent and bills… to a balls out business that’s pulling down $150,000 per year!
(This Is Optional And These Are Advanced Tactics So
Don’t Watch Until You’ve Completed The Previous Training.)
This Is Finally Going To Make Everything
“Click” In Your Business…
This Masterclass Training is finally going to get you on the path to success and help you make your investment back in VidAmaze IMMEDIATELY.
If you follow our advice, copy what we show you step by step then there’s no reason why you can’t be making a seriously game-changing income with this Masterclass Training and your VidAmaze software, templates and all the other bonus goodies you’ve just bought.

If You’ve Bought A Lot Of Stuff That’s Not Making You Money Yet Then This Is How We’re Finally Gonna Change That For You
If You Don’t Make Stacks Of Money,We Don’t Either

We know what works… we walk the walk… and it’s in our best interests to make you as much money as possible!
If we can’t make you lots of money, you’re less likely to buy from us again, which is bad for both of us!
So we’re doing this Masterclass Training to make sure you DON’T FAIL or end up with yet another tool sitting idle and collecting dust.
We Want To Enjoy The Same FreedomWe Have In Our Business Every Day…
The kinda freedom where you can make thousands per week without being chained to a desk or dealing with BS.
We want you to come back to us in a few weeks and share your success story with us and other people… so that more people can see the massive earning potential VidAmaze can offer them!
So we’re going to make sure this Masterclass Training delivers and brings you multiple streams of income!

100% Guaranteed

We don’t want your money unless you’re happy and getting results! So here’s what to do…
Join now and put our training to the test and if you don’t believe this is the easiest way to get your first Income in the bank with VidAmaze then just let us know and we’ll refund you in full.

Others Will Pay THOUSANDS For This Training

We’re giving up our time and spilling our brains with everything we know about making your first income with VidAmaze even if you’re brand new…
… and we’re not holding anything back.
This training is giving you a clear path to the cash… so you can easily make back your investment 10 x in the first few weeks.
(But You Won’t!)
In the past people have paid $1300 for the level of training and expert insights you’re getting inside this Masterclass…
… and it’s worth every penny when you know you have a proven, clear and easy roadmap to the money.
But as a new VidAmaze customer, we’re giving you a MASSIVE discount and letting you in for just a fistfull of dollars instead… because we want you to CRUSH with VidAmaze because it makes us look good too!

So, Act Now While You Have The Chance And
Save Thousands Off What Other People Have To Pay

There’s only a small handful of spaces inside the Masterclass Training because we want to make sure every member gets the attention, support and resources they need to succeed.
So we’re going to close the doors soon. If you want in, DO IT NOW!
Right now, hundreds of other people are on this same page as you, seeing this same message.
So chances are spaces will be full within the next 12hrs or sooner.
Don’t Wait!
Don’t Miss Out
Click Below To Lock In Your Spot And We’ll Show You Exactly How To Make Your First income Starting This Week!
No thanks, I don't want step by step instructions, examplaes, shortcuts and support to make my first income with VidAmaze starting this week. I'll duke it out alone...

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Income Disclaimer: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods, and other business advice that, regardless of my/our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Vidamaze (and its creators) make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are many factors and variables beyond our control which may impact any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.
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Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. as with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
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Chris Jenkins
Prady N